Evacuation of Ciutric (2)Full unit name: Evacuation of Ciutric (5ABY)
Last updated: 13.02.2024 20:43:01
Basic info
First appearance: Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron : Mandatory Retirement
Relations: Ciutric IV
Ciutric IV
Known Facts (1)
Following Grand Vizier Sate Pestage
Sate Pestage
Supporting Characters
meeting with Leia Organa
Leia Organa Solo
Major Characters
on Axxila in 5ABY, Director of Imperial Intelligence
Imperial Intelligence
Galactic Empire
Ysanne Isard
Ysanne Isard
Major Characters
informed the Cabal of Pestage's treason. However, he managed to leave Coruscant
and fled to Ciutric IV
Ciutric IV
. However, upon reaching the planet he was arrested by former Moff turned pirate Leonia Tavira. She agreed to bargain Pestage's life with Isard and the Ruling Council then sent Admiral Delak Krennel to reclaim Pestage. Meanwhile, a Rebel intelligence agent on Ciutric IV informed General Airen Cracken
Airen Cracken
Supporting Characters
of Pestage's situation and the New Republic Provisional Council decided to send a rescue team for Pestage. Rogue Squadron
Rogue Squadron
Rebel Alliance Navy
was to team up with Aggressor Wing and a ground force, Commando Team One, to get Pestage off of Ciutric. X-wings
T-65 X-Wing
Starfighter Models
and Y-wings
BTL Y-Wing
Starfighter Models
provided air support while the commandos infiltrated the city where Pestage was hiding. Several commandos extracted Pestage from the city and proceeded to escape in an evacuation transport. Escape from the planet, however, was prevented by a pair of Star Destroyers under the command of Admiral Delak Krennel, the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
Reckoning and Interdictor Star Destroyer
Interdictor-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
Binder that just had arrived in the system.
Aggressor Wing was able to escape to hyperspace, but Rogue Squadron, the commandos, and Pestage were caught in the Interdictor's gravity well and forced to go to ground on the planet's night side. With the retrieval force trapped on the planet, a squadron of TIE fighters
TIE Fighter
Starfighter Models
ambushed the team, killing Ibtisam
(Mon Calamari)
Supporting Characters
before being wiped out by the remaining Rogues. The following day, Rogue Squadron launched a desperate attack against the Imperial forces in orbit. As the battle was beginning, Aggressor Wing returned, along with Mirax Terrik
Mirax Terrik
Supporting Characters
's Pulsar Skate
Pulsar Skate
(Baudo-class Star Yacht)
Named Starships
, destroying many of the TIEs. The reinforced Republic force returned again to the surface to refuel and plan their escape. With the Skate and X-wings providing support, the Y-wing squadrons fired volleys of proton torpedoes at the Star Destroyers, knocking out the Binder's gravity well projectors and causing artificial gravity to fail on the Reckoning. Both Destroyers retreated, clearing the path for the Republic forces to escape. On the surface, stormtroopers
Imperial Stormtrooper
Galactic Empire Military
and AT-ATs
Ground Vehicle
attacked Commando Team One before their Bantha-class assault shuttles could launch. However, both shuttles managed to escape in the fighting.
In the confusion, Pestage fled his rescuers, intending for Krennel to command the Ciutric Hegemony in his name. Krennel instead strangled Pestage with his artificial right hand and seized complete control of the Hegemony. On Coruscant, Ysanne Isard assassinated and imprisoned the leaders of the Cabal, becoming the undisputed leader of the Empire.


See also
Related organizations
Rogue Squadron
Aggressor WingStructureCharactersHorton Salm
Related units, characters and other technologies
Mirax TerrikMembershipPulsar Skate
Sate Pestage
Horton SalmMembershipAggressor WingBTL Y-Wing
BTL Y-WingStructureCharactersHorton Salm
Pulsar SkateStructureCharactersMirax Terrik
Complete list

Full unit name: Evacuation of Ciutric (5ABY) Last updated: 13.02.2024 20:43:01